Hot Springs Ranch

Saw Tooth Valley, Idaho

Located in the heart of the Saw Tooth Valley, Idaho and surrounded by the expansive views of the Saw Tooth Mountains, Hot Springs Ranch is a unique and special place. Natural hot springs bubble up from the ground and a series of warm creeks flow through the property and into the Salmon River. In collaboration with the consultant team, DHM developed the site master plan and detail design for this family retreat.  The program includes a new barn, 3 residential cabins, a new pond, stream restoration, the development of natural hot springs and boardwalks connecting the different uses.  DHM worked closely with the project team in all aspects of the site design including the development of the initial concepts to construction documentation and detailing of all the site elements.


Ranch Master Plan
Landscape Architecture
Residential Design
Construction Documents

Project Team

Miller Architects
Sfingi Group
Pioneer Cabin Company
Pond and Stream Consulting
Galena Engineering
Cloward H2O