Breckenridge Summer Use

Breckenridge, Colorado

The Breckenridge Summer Special Uses project seeks to enhance on-mountain summer access and amenities for a diverse range of users. DHM worked hand-in-hand with Vail Resorts Development Company, Breckenridge mountain planning staff, the contracting team and staff of the US Forest Service to create a holistic plan that integrates multiple recreation amenities while maintaining the ecological experience of the site and supporting USFS goals for public education and interaction with the natural environment on public lands.

The overall site includes planning, design, and logistics for improvements spanning three peaks at the ski area, with improvements ranging from canopy tours, ziplines, a climbing wall and an observation tower to trailheads, interpretive nodes, primitive footpaths and singletrack mountain bike trails. Using the Record of Decision of the NEPA process, the team developed construction management and access plans, project staging and phasing, off-site visibility analysis, overall master plans, technical site plans, and illustrative graphics used to describe the intent of the finished improvements.


Ranch Master Planning
Ecological Site Analysis and Design
NEPA ROD Analysis and Application
Landscape Architecture
Graphic Design
Construction Administration and Documentation
Sensitive Species

Project Team

Vail Resorts Development Company
Vail/Summit Mountain Planning Staff
U.S. Forest Service
Hyder Construction